Friday 13 April 2012

Joyous NetworkSponsorship beneficial credit
The South African gospel melodic choir named Joyous Celebration has reconnected with MTN as the sponsor of the group. On the 21st of April 2011, Jabu Hlongwane, the founding member of the gospel ensemble said, “We are truly blessed to have MTN as our sponsor. We feel that the partnership with MTN will help realise our collective vision and dream for this year’s celebrations.” Serame Taukobong, chief marketing officer of MTN SA also feels the same about their sponsorship/partnership with Joyous Celebration. “Using our MTN Play platform, we will promote the MTN Joyous Celebration sound to our customer base, while growing the MTN brand among a new fan base” Taukobong said.  Hlongwane says that it has been wonderful to produce their 15th and 16th album and he has never seen such talent which means that the past seasons where just the beginning of a new journey.
 “When we take somebody new into the group, they learn from us and then they feed from the old members and then the actual Joyous ensemble that you see on stage is a mix of old and new members all in one,” Mkhize said.This proves that without sponsors there is something that musicians will lack in terms of publicity. Sponsors make the impossible, possible. Joyous Celebration is going on a journey; I must add that there is progress in the South African Music Industry.
There will be auditions for those who want to become members of MTN Joyous Celebration which will be held this year (2012).  This year’s auditions will include mini workshops on the music industry that have been designed to educate candidates who take part in the audition process. These mini workshops will also provide tangible pointers for the auditions; dates will be announced later on. For more information on MTN Joyous Celebration, please visit or!/joyouscelebration


  1. Jabu hlongwane has made the group to be what it is today.

  2. yes, i agree because without him, the group wouldn't have made it this far

  3. joyous celebration is one of the best gospel groups to come out f this country.i like the fact that they give young people with talents a opportunity to showcase their talents.

    1. yes, it creates employment for unemployed people which means that knoweredays, people use their talent to become better somebodies in the near future and joyous celebration is succeedingly achieving to search for south african talent in gospel music.

  4. is really good that joyous celebration creates good oppertunities for youth because the know how tough the industry can be and they can be helpful to the youth as the have experience of the industry

    1. the industry might be tough but at the end of the day, talent and potential is waht the group is loooking for. when the individuals decide to showcase their talent or audition, they must be hundred percent sure that they are truly talented because not everyone can sing and make a positive statement.

  5. What a great talent we have here in South Africa......Atleast now most people tend to support our music and Joyous Celebration has made a huge difference by including older and newer members when they are staging......It shows that our music is improving and lets hope it will continue to change and adapt to the new environment.

    1. We shall predict a positive future for South Africa because what is happening at the moment resembles the future.

  6. Best groups always come together to achieve more.I strongly believe that MTN confirmed partnering with Joyous Celebration because is one of the leading gospel choir in SA. And the fact they both have good images and good relationship with the public will increase sales for MTN and more fans for Joyous Celebration.

    1. I agree with you Moimane, this is a great partnership/sponsorship because both organizations have a positive reputation which will increase the sales of both organizations.
